Just to take a break from the reminiscences of last year's GT, and confirm that things are actually moving ahead with the Assault Corps army for this year's GT.
This is what I've got mostly stuck together thus far:
10 Veteran Guardsmen, who look exactly as I want them to (i.e. like science fiction bad-asses with rocket packs & shotguns)and 3 planes. Ahem. Those of you who are familiar with the world of the Imperial Guard will realise that I have lots to do. However, thus far, this army has been either in my head, or played with using either:
a.) Proxy models (usually epic models in my case!)
b.) Borrowing models from other people.
Both have their drawbacks. For example, it is more fun to run around the room with your plane going "Vrooooooom....Nyoowwwwww....zapzapzap" if it is bigger than your thumbnail. Equally, if I drop my models, I'm angry with myself, rather than having to construct some scenario where the cat broke the Valkyrie. No, really, it did.
My army list, following the year or so of proxy/borrowing experiments, is:
A command HQ with 4 meltaguns & an Astropath
A command HQ with 4 flamethrowers & a Powerfist
Veteran squad with 3 meltaguns & an Autocannon
Veteran squad with 3 flamers, demolitions & an Autocannon
Veterans squad with 3 meltaguns & an Autocannon
Veterans squad with 3 flamers, demolitions & an Autocannon
Fast Attack
2 Valkyries with Rocket Pods
2 Vendettas with heavy bolters
2 Vendettas with heavy bolters
Comments on the list are welcome, by the way.
The way I've played it thus far is as a finesse army; hitting where & when I choose. Of course, it has its drawbacks - in particular, I have lost the army to 3 autocannons in one test game - but I think it's lots of fun to use, and lots of fun to play against.
The particularly contentious things are:
The Autocannons - I find these useful for playing armies (especially assault armies) with lots of transports. Once you've demobilised them, then they are much easier to deal with, as you can isolate & destroy bits. It also gives a unit that's been left holding an objective, or has survived being shot down, something to do for the rest of the game.
The Heavy bolters on the Vendettas - It's points for flexibility again. In playtests, I found a meltagun heavy list struggled against hordes. I also found the Vendettas a little poor against armies with 150+ models. The cheap addition of the heavy bolters gives them a valid dual role.
The Astropath - He makes staying off board more viable, but
I'm totally open to suggestions - finding a way to fit marbo in would be nice.
In modelling & painting terms, this list means I have to:
Build 3 more planes.
Once I've done this, I can start playtesting the list at GW Kingston, as I have plenty of guard to segue in for as-yet unconverted veterans.
Convert 40 more Guardsmen.
Convert a cool looking astropath - levitating or with a rocket pack? Hmmmm...
Paint 6 planes - I'm going for a colour scheme like this:
Natural metal with yellow wings and black engines. My guess is, done well, it will look great. Done badly, not so much. I guess we'll see...
Paint 50 Guardsmen.
The plan is to do the rocket packs black with silver blades, to link in with the planes, and base them on mesh - fits in with the background, links them colour-wise with the planes, and I have always wanted an army on mesh bases ever since I saw Francis Ellyard's terminators for Space Hulk - about the time I had the idea for the all jump-pack army, in fact....
The basic guard will tie in with my normal Steel legion army - Black metal areas (e.g. helmets) green coats & brown detail. Hopefully, it will all look amazing, but I'll have to do a couple of test models first.
This all has to be done by the 10th of November. In short...there's a lot to do.
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