very, very quick report here.
Game 3 was Dawn of War, with Capture & Control - (rolling on the board turn one, with two objectives).
When the other chap got his army out its case, I was stunned. Not because it was outrageously cheap as an army list - in fact, it was a pretty standard Vulkan based marine list - but because it was one of the most beautiful armies I have ever seen. I will put up some pictures of the real thing soonish, but suffice to say, it was like playing a game against the marines from the video below.
They were stunning - every marine painted to Demon winning standard. The chap playing them was lovely. We had a great game, very close, coming down to the last dice roll to determine whether it was a draw or a win for me.
I was the lucky one - not just because I won the dice roll (Killing Vulkan's at the end of the game, giving me one objective to none). I was lucky because this game reminded me what going to tournaments is all about - playing great games against people you'd otherwise never meet, and seeing other people's beautiful toy soldiers.
Game 4 - one the morning of day 2 - was Dawn of War (rolling on the board) with Seize Ground (lots of objectives).
I was playing against a slighty worrying looking guy - 6'6", muscular, covered in tattoos and piercings, with a mohawk. Being a slightly chubby stylish London media type, I wasn't intimidated (I've been in real wars and everything, you know) but I didn't really know what to expect.
His army was 25 Space Sharks Terminators - using the Deathwing list. Essentially, he teleported in (bing!) and I ruthelessly, ruthlessly gunned them down, outmanoeuvring him totally, killing every model he had while not losing a single man.
Twas a black day for the Space Sharks, obviously. Still, we had an awesome time. I;ve seen him posting on a couple of forums, saying that my game was the best game he had all day, because although I gave him a thorough pasting, we both had a laugh, thoroughly enjoyed it, and created a narrative to the game.
This game had some particular moments I'll always remember - from killing a Space Marine Chapter Master with a single Battlecannon round ("Load AP for this one, Jenkins") to being able to say "Now I'm going to destroy you in a staggering display of military professionalism" - then moving every unit in my army 12", disembarking every troop unit, contesting all five objectives, and issuing four successful orders to kill the entire opposing army, to which my opponent replied "Why aren't all Imperial Guard regiments like yours?"
Why indeed?:)
Oh my gosh! I have a Flipside! Well, technically it's my little brother's, but I've had a lot of fun playing around with it. :)