Oh, and there'll be pictures of tanks!
The Armies
I had considered doing an army very like the one I am planning on taking this year - one full of the three Vs - Vendettas, Veterans & Valkyries. I decided against it, and stuck with my beloved mechanised infantry. Wandering around the tables, I saw that a.) there were far more guard players than usual and b.) Valkyries & Vendettas were everywhere.
It was at this point I realised that guard had transmogrified from an army your opponent would smirk about to an army your opponent would complain about. Still, looking up close with my hardened Guard player's eye, I wasn't very impressed by lots of these armies... for example, several had 7, 8 or 9 flyers. No matter how many lists I've written, I can't really fit that many in to a coherent 1500pt list.
Still, lots of them were beautifully painted, like this traitor Guard army:
Other than all the Guard, there were some of the tournament standards - Lash Prince Chaos, Ork Battlewagon list, Nobz Bikers - the usual. Of course, plenty of decent, fair sensible armies played by nice people too! The big surprise for me was the lack of Tyranid lists - there were only two in the final. My guess is, the lack of a model for a Tervigon probably stopped them appearing, as they are a pretty key feature of any competitive Tyranid build....
Anyway, my army was pretty different from the other guard builds there. No veterans, no vendettas. Here it is:
Steel legion army list
Colonel, 2 meltas, 2 flamers, Officer of the Fleet
Chimera with multilaser, heavy stubber, heavy flamer
Red platoon
Hq 4 flamers
Chimera with multilaser, heavy stubber, heavy flamer
Squad with lascannon & plasma gun
Chimera with multilaser, heavy stubber, heavy bolter
Squad with lascannon & plasma gun
Chimera with multilaser, heavy stubber, heavy bolter
Blue platoon
Hq 4 flamers
Chimera with multilaser, heavy stubber, heavy flamer
Squad with lascannon & plasma gun
Chimera with multilaser, heavy stubber, heavy bolter
Squad with lascannon & plasma gun
Chimera with multilaser, heavy stubber, heavy bolter
Heavy Support
Russ Demolisher with lascannon 180
Russ with lascannon 165
Russ with heavy flamer 150
Anyway, more on the games in the next couple of days as it's late and I'm tired!
how did you go in the tournament?